Analysis Of Behavioral Problems Among Standard Six And Seven Pupils In Kamara Division Of Nakuru County, Kenya
Many teachers have to deal with students with behavioral problem in their everyday teaching. These problems may frustrate the teacher’s efforts to help the pupils in attaining education. Hence the purpose of this study was to identify the most common behavioral problems among primary school pupils in Kamara division of Nakuru district. The study use descriptive survey design. The sample
Cognitive Reading Strategy Use As A Determinant Of Reading Comprehension Performance Among Form Three Students In Kambu County, Kenya
Ability to understand and use information from the text is key to a student’s success in school learning. However, there are no readily available studies locally on some factors leading to poor reading comprehension performance in English among high school students, such as cognitive reading strategy use. The purpose of this study was to examine cognitive reading strategy use as
Metacognitive Knowledge As A Predictor Of Reading Comprehension Performance Among Form Three Students In Kiambu County, Kenya
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between metacognitive knowledge (MCK) among form three students in Lari Sub County. The study adopted a predictive correlational design to investigate the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and reading comprehension performance and the predictive value of metacognitive knowledge in predicting reading comprehension performance. A total of 320 students were used in