Influence Of Environmental Factors
On Decisions To Adopt Cloud Computing By Small And Medium Enterprises In Kampala, Uganda
This research paper aimed to evaluate the environmental factors that influence Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Uganda to adopt cloud computing. It employed a descriptive and explanatory research design utilized a quantitative approach and obtained data from 416 SMEs in Kampala, Uganda. A very weak, negative monotonic correlation between environmental factors and cloud computing adoption decisions (rs = -.071,
Assessing The Efficacy Of Network Mapping, Vulnerability Scanning, And Penetration Testing In Enhancing Security For Academic Networks
In an era where academic institutions increasingly rely on information technology, the security of academic networks has emerged as a paramount concern. This comprehensive study delves into the effectiveness of security practices, including network mapping, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing, within academic networks. Leveraging data from surveys administered to faculty, staff, IT professionals and IT students in the university, the