Weyl's Spectrum
And Quasisimilar Biquasitriangular Operators In Hilbert Space
Various notion of equality of spectra and essential spectra of quasi similar operators have been studied, but the same results has not been reflected clearly with ω(A) . This paper shows that the theory for the notion of ω(A) simplifies if the underlying space is a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space and the operator is reduced by its
Nilpotent As Algebraic Structure Dominant In Ring But Not In Integral Domain
It has been shown that in any nonzero commulative ring R,x ? R is nilpotent if x n = 0 for some n > 0 and all nilpotent elements in a nonzero ring are zero divisors but the converse is not necessarily true.In this paper we establish that in a nonzero ring R which 0 is the only zero
Restricted Mapping Generates A Vector Space And Isomorphism Between Subspaces
It has been shown that if α : V −→ U is a linear transformation and W be any
subspace of V .Then αW (the set of all vectors a(x) with x ∈ W is a subspace
of U . We establish that if W is a subspace of V and α : V −→ U is a linear
transformation; then the mapping