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Researchjournali's Journal Of Economics
Researchjournali's Journal Of Economics - RJOE

Frequency: Monthly Publishing Since: 2013
Current Issue: 28/02/2025 Next Issue: 27/03/2025
RJ Factor: 2.91 Publication Fee: $39
ISSN: 2347-8233
    The Journal of economics provides a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of economics for examination and analysis of the latest developments in government economic policies across countries.
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Published Research Papers

The Effect Of Fiscal Decentralisation On The Optimisation Of Sustainable Public Debt In Kenya | Hugo Pius Kwena  Thomas Agak  Alfred Serem  
Since 2013 when fiscal decentralisation was officially initiated in Kenya, the country's public debt has continuously become less sustainable. This empirical observation contrasts with the

The Role Of Motivation On Employee Performance,as Case Study Of Benadir University | Abdullahi Mire Mohamed  Eng Mahad Khalif Dhaqane  Nor Abdulle Afrah  
Introduction: Historical Perspective The history of motivation can be traced back to the writing of the ancient Greek Philosophers. More than twenty-three centuries ago, they

Effectiveness Of The Office Of The Auditor General In Enhancing Public Sector Accountability In Zimbabwe | Noell Machinjike  Wellington G. Bonga  Stanford Hundi  
The study examined the effectiveness of the Auditor General's Office in enhancing public sector accountability in Zimbabwe. The public sector has been characterised by financial

Effects Of Personal Characteristics On Credit Access In Tanzania: Panel Survey 2014-2015 | Mr. Joab Onyango Olendo  
The paper looks at the effects of personal characteristics of Tanzania Nationals on Access to Finance. The specific objectives are to estimate the strength of

Effects Of Selected Macro Economic Variables On Gross Domestic Product Percapita In Ethiopia (1960-2018) | Mr. Joab Onyango Olendo  
For this study, I choose a few macroeconomic variable(s) that can affect Gross Domestic Product Per capita (Current US$) - (GDPPP ) in Ethiopia for

About The Journal

    Researchjournali's Journal Of Economics (RJOE) provides a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of economics for examination and analysis of the latest developments in government economic policies across countries. The journal publishes research papers based on economic development and innovative research based solution. The journal covers following topics related to economics.
Applied economics Political economy Business economics
Econometrics Economic development Economic history
Economic systems Education economics Economics of technology
Financial economics International economics Environmental economics
Macroeconomics Microeconomics Demographic economics
Economic growth Welfare economics Sustainable development economics
Agricultural economics Engineering economics Global economics

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